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Companies should be disclosing in line with the TCFD recommendations, writes the CCLI on the Harvard Corporate Governance Forum

To avoid the risk of inadequate disclosures which capture the attention of regulators and potential litigants, companies should be disclosing in accordance with the recommendations of the G20 Financial Stability Board’s Task Force on Climate-related Financial Disclosures, argue CCLI Canada convenor Professor Cynthia Williams and Director Ellie Mulholland in a post on the Harvard Law School Forum on Corporate Governance and Financial Regulation.

Disclosure in line with the TCFD recommendations is not just a compliance strategy for companies and directors. In light of increasing market demand for robust climate risk disclosure, there are also significant commercial benefits associated with making such disclosures.

Read the full post on the Forum here.

Commonwealth Climate and Law Initiative
The CCLI examines the legal basis for directors and trustees to consider, manage, and report on climate change and broader environmental risks, opportunities and impacts, and the circumstances in which there may be liability for failing to do so. We also work to advance knowledge on effective sustainable governance practice.

The Commonwealth Climate and Law Initiative is a company limited by guarantee registered in England and Wales with company number 11813153, REGISTERED CHARITY NUMBER 1203501 and with registered office at 128 City Road, London, United Kingdom EC1V 2NX.

Commonwealth Climate and Law Initiative

The CCLI examines the legal basis for directors and trustees to consider, manage, and report on climate change and broader environmental risks, opportunities and impacts, and the circumstances in which there may be liability for failing to do so. We also work to advance knowledge on effective sustainable governance practice.


The Commonwealth Climate and Law Initiative is a company limited by guarantee registered in England and Wales with company number 11813153, REGISTERED CHARITY NUMBER 1203501 and with registered office at 128 City Road, London, United Kingdom EC1V 2NX.

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