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Webinar recording on directors’ liability and climate change under UK and Australian law

In case you missed the webinar in December 2017 on directors’ liability and climate change, the recording has now been made available here.

In the webinar, the CCLI’s convenors Sarah Barker and Alexia Staker explain how directors’ duties apply to the management and disclosure of risks and opportunities from the impacts of climate change under UK and Australian law. They outline how directors face potential liability for breach of their duties if they fail to manage and disclose foreseeable material financial risks relating to climate change. Sarah provides observations on recent developments which have shifted the dial towards disclosures that are compliant with the recommendations of the Task Force on Climate-related Financial Disclosures and other developments which should further accelerate that shift.

Adam Peirce, the Technical Director of the Climate Disclosure Standards Board, gives a useful overview of climate risk and the regulatory landscape in relation to the TCFD recommendations.

The webinar is part of the CDSB series on disclosure of climate risk and the TCFD recommendations, published on its YouTube channel this month.

The CDSB is an international consortium of business and environmental NGOs which works to provide decision-useful environmental information to markets via mainstream corporate reports.