The CCLI’s Biodiversity and Africa Lawyer, Victoria Puxley, talks to Annabel Nelson, Strategic Advisor to the CDP, about what water risk means for financial institutions and directors’ duties. This follows the release of a CDP water briefing for directors authored by Annabel and linked at the bottom of this Insights.
Victoria: What prompted you to write…
The CCLI’s Executive Director, Cynthia Williams, talks to the CCLI’s climate lawyers, Jasmin Fraser and Sarah Hill-Smith, about the new independent legal opinion on nature-related risks and directors’ duties in England and Wales commissioned by the CCLI and Pollination (the Opinion), and its significance for climate risks. To understand the importance of the Opinion with…
What does the new UK legal opinion on nature-related risks and directors’ duties mean for directors?
The CCLI’s biodiversity project officer Eniye Igbanibo talks to the CCLI’s biodiversity lawyers about the new independent legal opinion commissioned by the CCLI and Pollination (the Opinion).
Eniye: What is so significant about the Opinion?
Jenni: This is the first expert legal opinion to confirm that, under the law of England and Wales, company directors…